Welcoming the New Year!

2011,a new year, a new dream, a new hope, and a new plan.
I hope this year will be nice to me. Like 2010 did! :)
I don't have much word to say, but i'm just gonna say Happy New Year!
Let it signify the better things for me
Let it signify a realisation of all things I wish for
Let it signify a year of believes and courage
Yes, i hope this year will bring a big change to myself. I wanna change to a better girl.
New year also asks us to dream a new dream, rediscover the strength and faith withing you, rejoice in simple pleasures, gear a new challenges up, and pump the new spirit up!
Please be nice, please be better, and please  make a good beginning and a good ending
Wishing you a truly fulfilling year!

Best regards from Karina Raesita :*