
Hey readers! lama banget aku ga ngepost nih hahaha
mumpung ada liburan about one week, im gonna fix my blog up! LOL
oya, i wanna introduce my pages http://www.facebook.com/pages/Agave-Photoart/140631306002716 to all of you.
Please help me to like and promote this page. This kinda new job for me and  my sissy.
Thankyou very much people! 
Have a nice week to all of you. And for those having exams, especially to the 6th grader, 9th grader, and 12th grader students, Good luck for your tests. Don't force too much to yourself. Just do your best lah pokoknya. I hope everyone will get a good score and can pass the exams. Amen
And to those celebrating their holiday, especially to the 7th, 8th, 10th, and 11th grader students, enjoy your holiday. Enjoy your freedom. Enjoy your free time. Use it for refreshing your mind from the school activities,K? but don't forget to do your homeworks and study for a brighter future. Be more dilligent because this is 2nd semester, the right time to choose, you want to be in science class or social class for the 10th grader students. And this is also the time for the teacher to take a decision. Are you going to the next grade or not. So don't forget you obligation as a student. Study hard :D You have to show your responsibility to your parents. In short, pls be more dilligent.

I think that's all i can write for now. bye :D

Agave photoart :D

These are some pictures which captured by me.

Model: Shiela Liviani
Thanks :D